shein's blog

Hip Replacement Surgery- Anterior Approach

Utica Park Clinic orthopedic surgeon Chad Crawley, D.O., specializes in hip replacement surgery using a unique technique. The anterior approach allows for less pain, quicker recovery and a greater chance of successful long-term results compared to traditional techniques. Have a lingering ache or pain in your joints? To make an appointment, call 918-268-7898.

What to do if ... you are choking

With the holiday season around the corner, many will take the time to enjoy family and food. Those treats can increase the likelihood of choking. Christin Baker-Hankton, D.O., who practices family medicine with Utica Park Clinic, shares several tips to help prevent or remedy a choking episode.

What are some choking signs:

What to do if ... you are having a heart attack

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. If you or someone you know is having a heart attack, Raj Chandwaney, M.D., an interventional cardiologist with Oklahoma Heart Institute, shares what you need to know.

What to do:

• Call 911 immediately.

• While waiting for an ambulance, you can chew or swallow four baby aspirin or one adult aspirin.

What not to do:

What to do if ... you get a bad sunburn

With summer on the horizon, so is being outdoor in the sun. Here is what to do if you get a sunburn, according to Wendi Slay, an RN with the Alexander Burn Center at Hillcrest. While Slay cautioned the treatment of sunburns depend on the severity of symptoms, here are a few tips:

1. Take a cool or lukewarm bath.

2. Place a cool, wet cloth on the sunburned area.

3. Moisturize the skin with non-fragranced white lotion.

4. Apply aloe vera gel.