We're proud to offer TeamBirth at our four birthing hospitals, Bailey Medical Center, Hillcrest Claremore, Hillcrest Medical Center and Hillcrest South.
What is TeamBirth?
TeamBirth is a way to increase communication between you and your support person, physician, nurse, doula and any additional members of the health care team. The goal of the project is to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes through communication and a team-centered approach.
TeamBirth allows our laboring patients to speak and be heard with the simplicity of consistent communication, incorporating the use of a planning white board and dry erase marker that is updated with every change during labor.
Who is the team?
- You are the most important part of the team. Discussions and decision-making are centered around you.
- Your support person
- Your nurse(s)
- Your physician(s)
- Your team grows throughout labor
How does the team communicate?
The team communicates using a labor and delivery planning board. The planning board is updated routinely during team discussions so important information is visible to all team members, including:
- Names of all team members
- Your preferences
- Plan of care for mom, baby and labor progress
- Labor timeline
- Next check-in
Funded by George Kaiser Family Foundation as part of the Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative, TeamBirth is the centerpiece of the Delivery Decisions Initiative of Ariadne Labs, a joint center for health systems innovation at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The Delivery Decisions Initiative at Ariadne Labs partners with hospitals and communities to enhance trust in childbirth through systems of communication and teamwork.
To learn more about TeamBirth, visit ariadnelabs.org/teambirth-project.