Burn Care

Stephanie & Seth

As children, Stephanie and Seth were both severely burned in separate accidents. Brought to the Alexander Burn Center at Hillcrest Medical Center a month apart, they likely passed each other in the hallway as patients. However, it wasn’t until later when they began attending a local camp for burn survivors that they finally met. Today, as they plan their wedding, the unique bond they share is unmistakable. Stephanie and Seth are grateful for the compassionate and knowledgeable caregivers at Hillcrest who saved their lives, and also the life of their best friend, soul mate and love.

Heather M.

With third-degree burns over 87% of her body, Heather wasn’t supposed to live. The medical team at the Alexander Burn Center at Hillcrest joined her in her fight for life. Their ongoing support has helped her endure nearly 100 surgical procedures. And it’s also inspired her passion to become a nurse.